This folder won the first annual Jim Schmitt Award in 2001 at the ECCK (East Coast Custom Knife Show). I used a taxidermy eye for a diamondback rattlesnake for the thumbstud. Gold leaf backing creates an amazing amount of iridescence. The textured handle evokes a dragon's skin, moving into fileworked scales on the backbar. Description & picture from
Dueling Dragons
This dragon folder won "Best of Show" in 2002 at the Oregon Knife Makers Show. It's a good example of the dragon series with its picture mosaic and reptilian style of carving and sculpting.
Has a composite mosaic damascus dagger blade. The guard, center spine, and pommel are of bronze. The haboki and overlays are made of copper. The bronze guard is forged to the shape of Velociraptor claws.
The Chain Dragon
this folder is 6 1/2''open. It has a picture Damascus blade and bolster. Its handle is carved mammoth ivory.
Dragon Series
It has both white and black dragons in the mosaic damascus steel. A carved mammoth(top of handle) and fossil walrus(bottom of handle) ivory handle. The thumb stud is a poisonous reptile eye.